8 Proven Strategies to Increase Demo Requests for B2B SaaS

Shreelekha Singh
January 26, 2024
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Have you ever felt like your product demos are the best-kept secret in your industry? You're not alone. 

Many businesses struggle to get their demos in front of the right eyes, but fear not! The power to change that narrative is right at your fingertips. This isn't about reinventing the wheel; it's about adding some much-needed air to the tires. 

In this guide, we'll dive into actionable steps that will not only put your demo on the map but make it a destination. 

From leveraging psychology to tapping into the digital heartbeat of your audience, get ready to transform your demo requests from a trickle to a torrent. Let's turn that well-kept secret into the talk of the town!

What is demo booking?

Demo booking refers to the formalized process of scheduling a presentation or guided exploration of a product or service. This presentation, often delivered by a sales representative or product specialist, serves as a crucial opportunity for potential customers to gain firsthand experience with the offering.

Picture this: Imagine you're a software company selling a project management tool. You've identified a potential client struggling with communication breakdowns and missed deadlines. You offer a demo to showcase how the software features like real-time collaboration and progress tracking can streamline their workflow. You invite them to schedule a demo at their convenience. By offering a demo, you transform the conversation from a sales pitch into a collaborative experience. 

Unlike ads or pitches, a demo is interactive; it's a two-way street where questions meet answers, skepticism meets proof. It's not just about showing off features; it's about understanding and responding to the unique needs and concerns of each potential customer. 

This tailored experience makes each demo a unique performance, aiming not just to inform, but to engage and persuade.

Understanding challenges to increase demo request

Simply offering a demo isn't enough. To truly entice potential customers, you need to understand the challenges they face and tailor your approach accordingly. Here's how delving into customer challenges can significantly increase your demo request rates:

1. Uncover pain points

Research and identify the common pain points or challenges your target audience experiences.

 Salesforce offers personalized solutions for various industries, addressing specific pain points such as inefficient customer relationship management and disparate data sources. Their CRM platform streamlines processes, improves collaboration, and enhances customer engagement.

2. Targeted communication 

Showcase how your product or service can address these challenges and provide tangible solutions. Highlight the unique features and benefits that set your offering apart from competitors. 

HubSpot provides marketing, sales, and customer service software that helps businesses grow and succeed. Their platform offers tools for lead generation, customer relationship management, and analytics, enabling companies to streamline their processes and drive growth.

3. Offer personalized demos

Tailor your demo offerings to address specific pain points and showcase how your solution can solve them. Provide interactive and engaging demos that resonate with your audience's needs.  

Zoom offers personalized demos of its video conferencing platform, allowing businesses to experience firsthand how Zoom can improve communication and collaboration. These demos focus on addressing specific pain points, such as remote work challenges, and showcase the platform's capabilities.

Why customers hesitate to book demo requests?

Understanding reasons for hesitation and taking steps to address them, you can significantly increase your demo booking rates and move more qualified leads through the sales funnel.

1. Fear of a high-pressure sales pitch

Customers are wary of pushy sales tactics and lengthy presentations that prioritize the product over their needs. Like those at car dealerships, customers may hesitate to engage in demos if they expect a one-sided sales pitch rather than a collaborative discussion about their needs and the product's benefits.

2. Lack of clarity on value

They might not fully understand how your product or service directly addresses their specific challenges and provides a clear return on investment (ROI). For instance, A retail store owner is interested in your inventory management software but hesitates to book a demo because they're unsure if it can directly address their specific pain points.

3. Time commitment concerns

Busy schedules and competing priorities can make customers hesitant to carve out time for a demo, especially if they're unsure if it will be a valuable use of their time. Customers worry that a lengthy presentation will eat into their packed schedule and may not provide the insights they need to make an informed decision.

4. Feeling unprepared

Some customers might worry they need to have in-depth knowledge about your product or their specific needs clearly defined before a demo. Potential customers feel overwhelmed and unsure about what to expect from a demo of your CRM software due to the lack of resources or guidance on your website.

5. Demo-booking friction

 A cumbersome or complex demo booking process can deter interested customers from taking the next step.For instance, Complex demo booking (long forms, many steps) frustrates potential customer, leading them to abandon.

8 proven strategies to increase demo requests

Unlocking the secret to increasing demo requests for your B2B SaaS product is like finding the golden key to a treasure chest. With each demo request, you're not just opening a door to a potential sale, but also establishing a connection that could lead to long-term partnerships and growth. 

Below are eight proven strategies to help your interactive product demo stand out and significantly increase demo requests:

1. Tailor your approach to your audience

A one-size-fits-all approach won't cut it. Understanding your potential clients' unique challenges and needs is crucial. Before presenting your interactive product demo, research your audience thoroughly.  Customize your demo to address specific pain points, showcase relevant features, and present case studies or testimonials that resonate with the sector you're targeting. 

  • Conduct surveys or interviews with existing customers to understand their pain points and preferences.
  • Segment your audience based on industry, company size, or specific challenges to deliver targeted demos.
  • Create persona profiles to guide your demo customization process, ensuring relevance to different audience segments.

HubSpot offers tailored demos for different industries, such as healthcare, e-commerce, and education, addressing specific pain points and showcasing relevant features. This personalized approach will not only capture attention but also demonstrate your commitment to providing solutions that truly fit their needs.

2.Leverage social proof to build credibility

People tend to trust a product or service more when they see others vouching for it.Highlight how your B2B SaaS product has solved real problems. Sharing user experiences and positive feedback during your demo can significantly increase trust and interest, leading to more demo requests.

  • Showcase success stories: Feature testimonials from satisfied clients in a dedicated customer stories section on your website. Include metrics and quantifiable results to amplify impact.
  • Industry-specific case studies: Develop case studies focused on overcoming challenges specific to your target industries. Highlight how your B2B SaaS helped a similar company achieve success.
  • Customer video testimonials: Feature short video testimonials from real customers on your website and social media channels. Seeing genuine enthusiasm builds trust and authenticity.

Salesforce features a dedicated page for customer success stories, where users can explore how businesses across various sectors have achieved success with their CRM solutions

3. Optimize your online presence

Your website and social media platforms are often the first points of interaction with potential clients. Include clear, compelling calls-to-action (CTAs) on every page, especially on content related to your SaaS product. 

  • Conduct A/B testing on your website to optimize the placement and design of demo request CTAs.
  • Use heatmaps and user behavior analytics to identify potential friction points in the demo booking process.
  • Implement live chat support on your website to address any questions or concerns in real-time, increasing conversion rates.

Use engaging visuals and concise, persuasive language to make the path to requesting a demo as straightforward and appealing as possible. Slack's website features a straightforward CTA to "Request a Demo" on its homepage, making it easy for visitors to take the next step.

4. Offer valuable content

Provide informative and valuable content that positions your company as a thought leader in your industry. This could be in the form of blog posts, whitepapers, e-books, or webinars that address common challenges and offer insights. 

  • Conduct keyword research to identify topics and pain points that your target audience is actively searching for.
  • Collaborate with industry influencers or experts to co-create content and expand your reach.
  • Repurpose existing content into different formats (e.g., podcasts, infographics) to cater to diverse learning preferences.

Ensure that your content strategy is consistent and focused on topics that highlight the strengths and uniqueness of your SaaS product.

5. Utilize email marketing effectively

Email campaigns can be a powerful tool to increase demo requests if executed correctly. Mailchimp's email campaigns are highly personalized, leveraging user data to deliver relevant content and drive engagement.

  • Segment your email list based on user behavior and preferences to send personalized and targeted messages. 
  • Craft mails that are concise, engaging, and value-driven
  • Include a clear CTA to book a demo. 
  • Regularly analyze the performance of your emails and optimize them. 

6. Implement a referral program

Encourage your current users to refer others by offering incentives. People are more likely to trust recommendations from someone they know. 

  • Gamified referral programs: Implement a referral program with points, badges, or tiered rewards to incentivize customer referrals. Make the referral process simple and frictionless.
  • Targeted referral requests: Don't ask everyone to refer everyone. Identify your most satisfied customers and those who've had successful experiences with your B2B SaaS product. Target these individuals for referrals.
  • Public recognition and appreciation: Showcase your top referrers on your website or social media channels. Public recognition can be a powerful motivator for referrals.

Dropbox's referral program rewards both the referrer and the referee with additional storage space, incentivizing users to spread the word about their platform. Ensure the referral process is simple and the rewards are attractive, and don't forget to thank your customers for each successful referral.

7. Engage in targeted advertising

Invest in advertising campaigns that target your specific audience. Platforms like LinkedIn and Google Ads offer sophisticated targeting options that allow you to reach decision-makers in your industry.   

  • Use compelling ad copy and visuals that highlight the unique selling points of your SaaS product. 
  • Direct your ads to a landing page that is optimized for converting visitors into demo requests.
  • Capture website visitors who haven't converted and retarget them with display ads showcasing the benefits of your B2B SaaS product and highlighting the value of a demo.

Slack uses targeted advertising on LinkedIn to reach professionals in various industries, highlighting the collaboration features of their platform to drive demo requests.

8. Follow up promptly and personalize communication

After someone expresses interest in your product, a quick and personalized follow-up can make all the difference.

  • Multi follow-up with prospects who express interest through multiple channels, such as email, phone or a personalized video message.
  • Ensure your follow-up is timely, relevant, and adds value, making the prospect more inclined to move forward with a demo request.

Intercom's sales team follows up with leads promptly, providing personalized recommendations and resources based on the prospect's specific pain points and interests.

Alternatives to demo booking

Implementing these alternatives alongside traditional demo bookings, you can create a multi-faceted approach that caters to different learning styles and preferences. Here are some alternatives to demo booking, you can explore:

1.Interactive product tours: 

Interactive Product Tours provide users with a dynamic and immersive way to explore the features and functionalities of a product. It allows for:

  • Self-directed exploration: These self-guided tours allow users to explore product features at their own pace, fostering a sense of control and ownership over the learning experience.
  • Interactive elements: Incorporate hotspots, tooltips, and explainer videos to keep users engaged and curious as they delve deeper.
  • Real-world examples: Embed short use-case videos within the tour showcasing how real customers leverage specific features to achieve their goals.
  • Easy access: Make the product tour readily available on your website or within your app, eliminating the need for sign-ups or scheduling hurdles.

How to Interactive Demos in Clicks with Floik

Skip live demos! Floik lets prospects explore your product at their own pace. They'll see key features & value in a few clicks, no sign-in needed.


  • Faster exploration: Dive right in, ditch the wait!
  • Increased engagement: Interactive features keep users hooked!
  • Boosted trust: See it in action, build trust & conversions!
  • Record and convert: Capture your product flow, Floik does the rest!
  • Customize and embed: Personalize & share on websites, emails, & more!

Ready to showcase your product's "aha moment"? Install the free Floik Chrome extension today! 

2. Free trials & freemium models: 

Offer a free trial or freemium model with limited functionality. Dropbox offers a free tier with limited storage space. This allows users to test the platform's basic features and functionalities before upgrading to a paid plan with more storage.

  • Tailor freemium features: Provide access to features that showcase core functionalities and problem-solving capabilities, but reserve advanced features for paid plans, incentivizing upgrades.
  • Frictionless onboarding: Streamline the free trial signup process to minimize signup time and get users exploring your product as quickly as possible.
  • Track user-behavior and engagement: Monitor how users interact with the free trial to identify areas of interest and potential pain points. Use this data to personalize communication and guide users towards features that address their specific needs.

3. In-app tutorials & user guides:

These guides can walk users through specific features and functionalities as they interact with the platform. Slack offers contextual pop-up tutorials that guide new users through key functionalities like creating channels, sending direct messages, and using emojis. These in-app guides help users learn the ropes without needing a separate demo or training session.

  • Cater to different learning styles by offering a combination of text-based instructions, interactive walkthroughs, and short explainer videos within your in-app guides.
  • Test with A/B testing and delivery methods for your in-app tutorials to see which ones resonate best with your user base and maximize their effectiveness.
  • Continuously gather user feedback through surveys or polls to understand how your in-app tutorials are performing and identify areas for improvement.

4. Case studies and customer testimonials: 

Share compelling case studies and customer testimonials that highlight the value proposition and real-world benefits of your product. Atlassian, a project management software company, showcases customer success stories on their website. 

  • Real-world impact: Curate compelling case studies and customer testimonials that highlight how existing customers are using your product to achieve success. Focus on quantifiable results and specific challenges overcome to demonstrate the tangible value your B2B SaaS offers.
  • Industry-specific stories: Showcase how similar companies have leveraged your product to address industry-specific challenges, fostering a sense of relatability and trust with potential customers.
  • Customer video testimonials: Feature short video testimonials from real customers on your website and social media channels. 

These stories illustrate how companies across various industries use Atlassian products to improve their workflows and achieve specific goals.

Wrapping up

In the dynamic landscape of B2B SaaS, increasing demo requests isn't just about casting a wider net; it's about crafting a magnet that irresistibly draws the right audience to your product. 

Remember, each demo request is a potential gateway to a lasting business relationship. 

By embracing strategies that resonate with your target audience's needs, optimizing your digital touchpoints for clarity and convenience, and nurturing a personal connection through tailored communication, you transform your product demo from a mere feature showcase into a compelling narrative that speaks directly to the challenges and aspirations of your potential clients. 

Keep refining, keep personalizing, and keep the dialogue with your audience alive and interactive. This is not just about numbers; it's about starting meaningful conversations that could propel your business forward. 

The journey to increase demo requests is continuous and evolving, mirroring the ever-changing tapestry of market needs and technological advancements. 

Stay agile, stay authentic, and watch as your demo becomes not just a tool, but a transformative experience for your prospects.